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The Evolution and Impact of Tokenized Securities

By 存 Connection Staff | 5 minute read | February 16, 2021

尽管在2020年出现了许多挑战,但围绕代币化证券的创新仍在继续. 这个市场的发展在哪些方面影响了vnsr威尼斯城官网登入业? 在华盛顿律师vnsr威尼斯城官网登入金融科技委员会的虚拟活动中,一个专家小组对这个问题进行了权衡.

事件, 哪一个 kicked off with a fireside chat, also featured a panel discussion including Valerie Szczepanik, 导演, SEC Strategic Hub for Innovation and Financial Technology (FinHub); Michael Oh, 导演, Office of Financial Innovation at FINRA; Jennifer Peve, 存 Managing 导演, Business Innovation; and Cathy Yoon, CJY Advisors Founder and Principal. Theresa Paraschac, 存 Executive 导演, Global Government Relations and Business Innovation, served as moderator for the panel discussion.

Robust and Resilient Innovation

As the market grapples with fast-moving technology trends, 利益相关者正在努力了解行业将如何发展. 存的Peve首先概述了vnsr威尼斯城官网登入行业迄今为止在代币化方面的发展情况, 声明, “实施的各种技术使该行业得以转型, as automation has let us do our jobs better and faster, improve and introduce new ways of working, and have thereby led to a better ecosystem.”

Will the next phase of innovation be led by digitization? Peve谈到了如何对数字资产进行编码,以包含业务规则和法规,并能够在其生命周期内保留这些关键引用. With standardization, 除了通过使用数字资产进行主动合规和风险管理的能力之外, benefits including minimized industry costs may be realized. Applying innovations, 包括使用分布式账本技术和标记化, 有什么方法可以潜在地帮助“面向未来”的vnsr威尼斯城官网登入业吗. “每一次进化都创造了新的商业机会,创新也有可能创造无缝同步和市场效率,她说.

Applying tokenization is not a one size fits all approach, and each case should be individually evaluated, Peve explained. 例如, smart contract vulnerabilities need to be addressed, 例如智能合约密钥的暴露以及网络中断的可能性. Peve补充道, “A modernized solution should not introduce new risks, 并且至少应该像现有的应用程序一样健壮和有弹性.”

Yoon提供了对代币化领域当前法律考虑的见解, 强调监管机构在大流行期间提供的信息和指导. “We’re on the brink of so much innovation,” she said. vns6060威尼斯城官网美国证券交易委员会最近的声明,允许经纪自营商作为独立实体托管数字资产, Yoon stated she was looking forward to the comment period, 并与该领域的参与者合作,找到适当的平衡,以确保市场诚信和消费者保护,同时仍以她希望以技术中立的方式推动创新.

A modernized solution should not introduce new risks, 并且至少应该像现有的应用程序一样健壮和有弹性.

Responsible Innovation

负责任地实施任何新技术都需要时间来确保市场的完整性. FinHub最近被提升为SEC的一个独立办公室,这表明该机构致力于负责任的创新. 安全, 市场的安全和稳定是办公室的首要目标,Szczepanik补充道, “responsibly implementing new technology takes time. The agency is striving to gain more information, 同时在市场诚信和推动创新之间找到平衡.”


小组讨论的重点是美国证券交易委员会最近vns6060威尼斯城官网特殊目的经纪自营商托管数字资产证券的声明, 哪一个, as explained by both the SEC and FINRA, 旨在鼓励创新并允许市场参与者参与.

According to Szczepanik, “我们希望经纪自营商能够弄清楚如何以合规的方式托管数字资产. The tone of the statement is to promote innovation.她补充说,FinHub期待着继续与数字资产领域的创新者会面,并正在探索一系列创新,包括, 例如, in the decentralized finance space.

FINRA shared insight into the types of applications it has approved, 各种各样的活动公司对代币化证券的兴趣越来越大. As raised during the panel, 公司对运营数字资产证券的替代交易系统(ATS)或进行数字资产私募的应用程序越来越感兴趣. One example highlighted is the “Aspen Coin,,被认为是首批房地产数字安全vnsr威尼斯城官网登入之一, 房地产股票在哪里以私人发行的形式出售,然后在公共区块链上进行代币化. Another is the recent approval of Oasis Pro ATS, 这将允许用户在平台上交易数字证券.

另外, during the past year, INX发行证券型代币的注册声明被视为有效. 同样值得注意的是ArCoin,它在其智能合约中嵌入了合规功能. “随着越来越多的人接受和成熟,监管摩擦越来越少,人们对具有成本效益的平台的潜力越来越感兴趣,哦,说.

数字资产的托管将成为2021年监管机构关注的主要焦点之一. In light of the recent SEC statement, FINRA将研究经纪商以合规方式托管数字资产的复杂性和最佳实践. 预计对数字资产托管领域的兴趣将来自现有或未来的ATS, as well as existing crypto custodians. 正如Oh所说, “我们渴望向前迈进,并让这一进程尽可能迅速地进行, 允许经纪自营商以智能, responsible way.”

2021年似乎充满了令牌化领域的新发展. Panelists predicted more activity in the private markets, 以及通过代币化和对ATS的兴趣在DLT上发行新资产. There is also the potential for merger & 随着传统金融公司寻求向数字资产扩张,收购活动也在增加. 小组成员还强调了进一步的举措和与监管机构的接触, as the industry continues to move forward in a responsible, innovative way.



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